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Collection: Live Like a Lighthouse

There are times when I speak to someone about their favorite type of art, that I just can’t get it out of my mind, until I create it.
During this past Summer I had a solo show out here in Oregon and met a very enigmatic, distinguished gentleman at my reception who told me about his favorite thing to look at.
He spoke expressively about being very drawn to lighthouses with the waves crashing around them.
We both connected over loving the ocean and antique or retro nautical imagery such as maps. It was a visual scene that I have not been able to get out of my mind. We have discussed me creating a special commissioned piece for him, but with delays in our schedules, it was pushed off a few months.
However it was just the sign I needed to start the latest series, ‘Ocean Bliss’ paintings that I had been wanting to get to for some time.
Yet I kept thinking about the Lighthouse.
Last week, while receiving a massage, the massage therapist and I were talking about the power of the heart; how we all start as a heart first and how our hearts are like beacons of light. I told her about some of my heart-centered art with rays of light, which lead us into talking about the image of the lighthouse. I then had a very strong image of a lighthouse as a metaphor for all of us, with the heart inside and the light beaming out in every direction.
Can you relate to standing tall, letting the storm pummel you from all sides? It is a symbol for keeping our inner light lit and weathering any storm. It was all so moving and beautiful and I knew I had to get started on this theme immediately.
And so I have!
Here is a glimpse of this very large 60” x 40” mixed media painting.
Stay strong in any storm my friends. Become unshakeable!